Ce blog parle de culture intaki, de langue gallente et du Ramataki. Rejoignez nous dans ce voyage épatant parmi la communauté de Eve Online.

lundi 7 février 2011

[EN] Oui, I speak frallente (2)

Last time you could learn that an alternate to the worlwide "fly safe" signature would be "bon vol" in frallente. Too carebearlike for you ? You prefer the good old "good hunting" ?
Then you could just try the famous frallente :

"Bonne chasse"

It was used amongst all flibustiers during the Gallente-Caldari war.

and remember: "Using frallente makes you feel more Gallente".


PS illustration : famous reborn intaki fighter pilot.

Reminder :
Frallente is an idiom specific to the Gallente Federation. Rooted in ancient languages used in Tau Ceti, it is a varying combination of these languages. No rules are written and we still await for a comprehensive study of frallente.
Until then, this blog will help you to familiarize with this fantastic idiom, way of talking and way of life.

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