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mardi 25 janvier 2011

[EN] Pirate or Corsaire ?

New Eden is a hard place to live in, and if you are no predator, then you are a prey (or both at the same time).

But which predator are we speaking of ? Pirate, Corsaire or Flibustier ?

Discover the differences and if you are on the predator side, then feel free to proudly claim one of those titles as yours.

(ancient "peiratès" "the one who seeks fortune") works for nobody but him, an outlaw sailing space, plundering, raping and often killing without distinction of faction.

Corsair or Corsaire in frallente
("privateer") acts on behalf of a factionnal leader (king, CEO, Emperor, alliance leader...) ; he owns a lettre de marque (a letter of mark) which allows him to attack the ennemies of the faction. He is more like a mercenary patriot. Should he be captured, he won't be hang like a simple pirate but rather treated like a prisoner of war.

Freebooter or Flibustier in frallente
(ancient "vrijbuiter") is a gallente corsair fighting against the Caldari during the war.

Whatever, being a pirate or a corsair does not mean you must be rude. Salute your future victim with a classical "Bonjour Monsieur (or Madame), please surrender your ship" and end it with a "Merci pour ce combat" ("thanks for this fight", or shorter "GG").

Source in frallente mostly

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