Ce blog parle de culture intaki, de langue gallente et du Ramataki. Rejoignez nous dans ce voyage épatant parmi la communauté de Eve Online.

lundi 31 janvier 2011

Intaki names of the month - 01

Each month, a recap of my "intaki name of the day" tweets !

Shakti (boy) "The powerful one"
Nirupama (girl) "Without comparison; Unique" (from Ostingele)
Swapnil (boy) "Dream like; Seen in a dream; Dreamy"
Gulshan (boy) "Garden of flowers"
Kelsy (girl) "Fountain or Spring"
Chidambar (boy) "One whose heart is as big as the sky"
Gopal (boy) "Cowherd; Protector of cows"
Nirmal (boy) "Pure; Clean"

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