Ce blog parle de culture intaki, de langue gallente et du Ramataki. Rejoignez nous dans ce voyage épatant parmi la communauté de Eve Online.

vendredi 21 janvier 2011

[EN] To start with

This blog will be written in english [EN] and/or in french [FR], depending on the subject. Some posts should be reposted in the other language.
3 topics
  1. Intaki culture
  2. Gallente language
  3. Ramataki
Intaki culture is not vvery well known, therefore we will make you discover its unknown treasures. We shall try to translate or interpret some texts of interest, for our young intakis out of the diaspora, looking for their identities.

Gallente language will be studied within its frallente idiom, or fr-gallente. The point is to explain common forms of frallente to engallente users (or en-gallente) willing to better use frallente. Those posts should be written mostly in [EN].

And there comes the bigger part

Ramataki. Here is a true university project, started at CAS (Center for Advanced Studies).
We want to exhume the Ramayana intaki, a treasure for intaki literature, and make it available to our fellow intakis, so that they can make it theirs. We will start a series of posts to establish the steps of the project ; it should take years.

Thanks for being already there, reading this modest blog.

PS : and feel free to help me with my engallente...

2 commentaires:

  1. Namas o/

    I'm Bataav of the Intaki Liberation Front and you might be pleased to learn that we worked with some pilots experienced in researching and developing languages and there is a vast quantity of Intaki language material already in existance.

    Please visit the following links to learn more:

  2. Dyanvada'tah!
    I just registered at the ILF forum. The CAS would not pay for a 6 month trip to Intaki V and i cannot aford the insurance of my ship in lowsec space... So ressources from the net are greatly appreciated.
    I would be honored to work and study with you.
